Don't miss a single penny by letting us help you calculate your finances and contract offers in real time.
Real time finances
Calculate contract offers and other proposals in real time, maximizing account profit and your time.
Save analysis as a draft to create an account
Easily upload your business' data, and our platform will automatically evaluate critical metrics.
With our automated Accounts section, you can track your performance in just a few clicks!
Upload monthly reports
Easily upload your business' data, and our platform will automatically evaluate critical metrics and add accounts directly to your accounts seamlessly.
Track all accounts
Never lose track of account performance again! Our tool allows you to monitor all your accounts with ease.
Tired of spending hours calculating payroll? Penniewise saves you time by integrating payroll directly into your accounts section.
Upload monthly payroll
No more scrolling through Excel for hours. Input payroll directly into the corresponding account.
Analyze your payroll's data
Are you overpaying employees or underpaying yourself? Penniewise helps you accurately manage all earnings and expenses.
Having issues with Penniewise? Submit a ticket and a Penniewise associate will promptly assist you!
We pride ourselves on being there for you! Having a problem? Reach out today!
Questions & answers
Check out our FAQ section to view common questions users face when using Penniewise.
Elevate your financial insights beyond the ordinary, from janitorial services to diverse industries.
Our business glossary pulls from trusted sources to give you an all-in-one resource to manage and learn.
Are you a visual learner? Along with our glossary, Penniewise offers video resources to enhance your financial knowledge.
Penniewise stores your uploads and allows you to see what you've uploaded. Be sure to title your own files though!
Coming soon
For upcoming features, contact us today!
Unlocking hidden opportunities, maximizing potential, and achieving success beyond expectations.